Spring Conference Registration

Georgia Rural Water Association - Spring Conference

May 6-8, 2025 - Jekyll Island Convention Center

12 Continuing Education Points for Water & Wastewater Operators

EXHIBITOR BOOTHS ARE FULL. This Registration only puts you on a waiting list in case there is a cancellation

Attention Exhibitors:
Exhibits are Limited to One Booth per Company
Exhibit space will be confirmed when payment is received.
A Confirmation will be sent within 2 business days after receiving payment
If you do not receive a confirmation, call us at 770-358-0221.

Exhibitor Registration Form

Leave this field empty

Must Be A Member To Exhibit - Limited to One Booth Per Company

Don't see your Company listed? Apply Online now using our Membership Application Form

List Company attendees below and indicate if a certificate for CE Points is needed

1st attendee name and email will be listed in the conference program

Cert First Last Email

Golf Tournament $150 (Optional)
Golf Tournament Tuesday, May 6 Tee Time 9:00 AM
Pine Lakes and Indian Mound
Price includes Green Fees, Cart, Box Lunch and Beverages
List Golf partners below

Golf Tournament is Full. Please join us next year!
Enter your information below to be put on a Waiting List.

First Name Last Name Email Cell

Exhibits we prefer to be near
Exhibits we prefer NOT to be near
Booth w/ Attendee $1000
Additional Attendees $210
Electricity (check if needed) $110
Low Country Boil Sponsor (optional) $100
Golf (optional)
Golf Tournament is Full.
You will only be charged if space opens up.
$150 each
Golf Hole Sponsor (optional) $150
Golf Prize Sponsor (optional) $150
Total Amount

You do NOT need a PayPal Account to use the GRWA PayPal Payment Process. We accept all major credit cards.

Click the payment button below to pay using a Credit or Debit Card. Online Payments are processed through the GRWA PayPal Account.